Great Blue Heron on nearby beach
Redfish caught in San Carlos Bay near VKW
This harmless Bonnethead Shark swims by as I was filming some feeding stingrays. Though it looks like a Hammerhead, The Bonnethead is very shy and docile and rarely gets much bigger than 3-4 feet.
We nicknamed this Dolphin Bubbles, though this was not at the Sunset Pier it was only a short distance away by boat. She is hoping to get a handout.
These baitfish are a mesmerizing sight as they swirl around the Snook Light. Swimming amongst them is a Sea Hare
While watching a dolphin from the boat dock slapping up his dinner, this happens....
A harmless, but irritated Rat Snake makes a meal out of one of the many anoles (lizards) at VKW.
A boat trip out from VKW in San Carlos Bay. We were able to conjure up some playful dolphins as we cruised along.
As seen from Sunset Pier
This creature is known as a Sea Hare
From the Hammerhead family...just not as dangerous.
I was first filming a couple of stingrays in the grasses when this guy came along.
Bringing the boats home under a red sunset (as viewed from pier)